Friday, November 21, 2008

Look at this big ol' thang...

40weeks2d.... amazing what 2 days overdue can do to you mentally. I'm already feeling emotional. Hanging in there though.... hanging in there... There is an end in sight..
My induction is Tuesday at 6am... Somehow that seems SO close and SO far away at the same time.

I'm so swollen right now it's amazing.

I need to fold laundry, vacuum, mop.... I'm hoping for at least one contraction to scare me and make me get up and do those things...

I feel bad complaining- I'm very grateful for my little one... I just can't wait to meet her


Justin and Natalie said...

Maybe if you clean the house from top to bottom she'll decide to come out.

AngelsAmid said...

True- maybe she would... I was gonna rake some leaves today. Maybe that'll make her come out :)