Sunday, May 25, 2008


A lot has happened since my last post. Tom and I moved into our new home on April 24th. We love it. I'm still surrounded in boxes- need to unpack A LOT. (Which I should be doing right now, having a grill out tomorrow. I'm just taking a little "break") We had our first OB appt on May 16th and we were able to hear the heartbeat. It was a magical sound! Then we had our first ultrasound Saturday. According to when I ovulated I was for sure the baby would measure 13wk3D. Well the baby is measuring 14wk-14wk3D which corresponds with my LMP. So my OB is going to keep their EDD of Nov 19th. 3 days after Tom's birthday! :) My next OB appt will be in mid-June.

In this picture the white spots in the top left are baby's feet. The head is toward the bottom. Baby is facing to the left.


Stephanie said...

Glad to hear things are going well. ((hugs))

Stephanie said...

I have TAGGED you....see my blog to see what this means.